On Saturday, November 2nd, we held a special service at 10:30 a.m. celebrating our congregations 150th Anniversary. Pastor Brewer and Pastor VanPay were joined by Pastor Buekema to celebrate this special occasion. A luncheon followed and fellowship enjoyed by over 200 members and family. Thank you to all that were able to join us, those that volunteered to make the celebration a success and to those who brought items to share on the buffet luncheon
Commemorative ornaments and clothing are available to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of St. John’s. Clothing options and order forms are in narthex on the table with all the 150 information, or click here for the clothing order form Details about costs, colors, sizing and some samples are on display. Please see the clothing handout with information and deadlines. The ornaments are available for purchase for $10. If you have questions regarding the clothing or ornaments, please see Deb VanDenBerg.
Be part of our history, on the 150 table there are various 8x10 canvas mats. We would like you to sign your name on one of them. Feel free to include your favorite bible verse reference or message of what St. John’s means to you. We will be making a collage with the canvases to remember this special occasion. Thank you to all who have signed already. We hope to have every member sign.
As part of the festivities, St. John’s is compiling the 150th Anniversary Commemorative Book – A Supplement to the 125th Anniversary Book. This supplemental book will include some historical pages from the 125th edition but will be primarily focused on the years 1999-2024. If you are interested in participating in the design, development, and distribution, please email hans.o.christensen@gmail.com.