The SHAPE ministry provides opportunities for all members to be engaged at St. John’s and be an active participant in the mission of God. SHAPE discovers how God uniquely shaped each of us with the gifts from the Holy Spirit to disciple others.  It helps guide members to where they can enjoy serving Him the most!  Through this ministry, members discover how God uniquely shaped “Them”.

– Spiritual Gifts

– Heart 

– Abilities 

– Personality 

E – Experiences

Why does God want us to discover our unique SHAPE? As Jesus stated in scripture, we are all part of one body and each of us has gifts & abilities of equal importance in carrying out the true Christian responsibility of discipleship… loving our God & others, while demonstrating God’s Love and bringing the lost to Jesus.

Why S.H.A.P.E?

  • It is our Christian responsibility to make disciples who make disciples.
  • It is our responsibility as members of this church to make sure the mission, values and goals of St. John's are met.
  • God gave each of us unique gifts to be used together for the mission of God - To tell the world about our Savior.
  • Faith isn't just practiced on Sunday morning. Faith is meant to be lived out every moment of every day - Our life is our ministry.
  • Not using our gifts as God intended is a sin.

He is Coming!  Am I Ready?  Are We Ready?

Are You Ready To Discover Your Unique SHAPE?

SHAPE Training workshops are open to anyone!  We offer the workshops the 3rd Tuesday of each month - 6:00 pm-8:00 pm.  

Sign up sheets are located in the wall hanger outside the Church Office. Pick up your workshop materials from the wall hanger too.  

Please contact the church office  at 920-845-5250 for more information.  
